Remax File Generation

Created based on the following requirements (defined by ReMax):

CSV Requirements

  • Contains only properties listed from 2016 [DateListed]
  • Contains only properties that contain the word “and” in the Description field
  • CSV ordered by DateListed
  • Required fields:
  • MlsId
  • MlsName
  • DateListed
  • StreetAddress
  • Price
  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Appliances (all sub-nodes comma joined)
  • Rooms (all sub-nodes comma joined)
  • Description (the first 200 characters)

Technical Requirements

The provided requirements included development for python 2, and, since I initially developed for python 3 (thank goodness, I caught this requirements error before submitting!) there are commented-out lines reflecting the difference between python 3 and python 2…just swap the commented out lines to run this code in python 3.

import sys
import os

import xml.etree.ElementTree as et
#python 3:
#import urllib
#python 2:
import urllib2 as urllib

import pandas

def download(url, download_to=""):
    #accepts a url pointing to an xml file
    #and a file system path for saving the downloaded file

    #assumes provided paths are valid
    #assumes file is small enough to load into memory
    #a more robust version of the code
    #would include error checking and
    #provide support for large file downloads

    #python 3:
    #file = urllib.request.urlopen(url)

    #python 2:
    file = urllib.urlopen(url)

    data =

    if download_to is not "":
        df=open(download_to, "w")
        return download_to

    return data

#this function can be expanded to implement more complex filters in the future
def include(filter,value_to_check):
    include=str(filter) in str(value_to_check).lower()
    return include

#gathering all of the fields into a data frame makes it accessible for
#futher analysis or export to other formats
def gather_fields(xmlroot,iter_tag,filter_cols,csv_cols,df_cols):
    df = pandas.DataFrame(columns=df_cols)

    for listing in xmlroot.iter(tag=iter_tag):

        for category in listing:
            for data in category:
                if data.tag in df_cols:
                    #join data values from children for csv columns
                    if data.tag in(csv_cols):
                        detaildata[data.tag]=[', '.join([d.text for d in data])]
                    #apply filtersfor filter columns
                    if data.tag in (filter_cols.keys()):
                        #there are two description fields in the data but only one in the requirements
                        #in a 'real life' setting, we should double-check the requirements.
                        #for a one/two hour code sample, we'll just make a decision to exclude one field :)
                        if data.tag=='Description' and 'BasicDetails' not in category.tag :
                        if filtermatch:
                            detaildata[data.tag] = [data.text]

        #compare the columns we have to the filter columns
        filtered=[col for col in filter_cols if col in detaildata.keys()]
        if len(filtered)==len(filter_cols.values()):
            #this is a row we want to include, so add it to our data frame

    return df

def getxmlroot(url=None,downloaded=True,localxml=None):

    xmlroot = None

    if (not downloaded) and (localxml is None) and (url is not None):
        # fetch data from the url directly into the xmlroot
        xmldata = download(url)
        xmlroot = et.fromstring(xmldata)

    elif (not downloaded) and (localxml is not None) and (url is not None):
        # download the file and set the xml root
        download(url, localxml)
        xmlroot = et.parse(localxml).getroot()

    elif downloaded and localxml is not None:
        xmlroot = et.parse(localxml).getroot()

    return xmlroot

def write_data(df,filepath):
    df.to_csv(filepath, index=False)

if __name__=='__main__':
    #parameters are passed as a comma delimited list in the form <arg_name>=arg_value
    #this is a short project, so it's still a bit fragile...bad parameter values can break the script
    #the script defines default values and, depending on your system setup, it may run successfully
    # if no parameters are passed

    #we can accept these parameters from sys.argv

    if len(sys.argv)>1: #parameters were passed
        for arg in sys.argv[1:len(sys.argv)]:

    #let's get our hands on an xml root
    #we need the url of the xml, if we're downloading from a url
    url = ''
    if 'url' in args.keys():
    #if we want to download the data to a local xml file, we need to know where to save it
    if 'localxml' in args.keys():

    #if we've already downloaded, no need to download again
    downloaded= False
    if 'downloaded' in args.keys():
        if downloaded=='False':
        if downloaded=='True':

    #to process a file from url without downloading a local copy
    #pass an empty value for the localxml file and set downloaded to False

    #once we have a parsed xml file, we can gather all of the field data into a dataframe
    #we need a list of columns that we want to extract from the xml tree
    df_cols = ['MlsId','MlsName','DateListed','StreetAddress','Price','Bedrooms','Bathrooms','Appliances','Rooms', 'Description']
    if 'df_cols' in args.keys():
    #these are the columns that are populated from their child nodes

    #key is a  node name, value is the text we want to find in the node
    filter_cols={'DateListed':'2016','Description':' and '}

    #this is the tag associated with each item that we want to gather data for

    #unexpected values in the passed-in lists might break this
    #in a production environment, it would be vigorously tested, but
    #for a short coding project, a warning that it's fragile will suffice

    #finally we're going to write out our collected data
    #no matter what extension you provide for your filename, it will be written out in csv format

    #tada. done. go check out the csv

You can also view the full project on GitHub!