While data programmers may be experts at importing and manipulating text, image, and video content, this tool was designed to support the import of any document set for further processing. The tool recognizes page layout, and extracts text as well as images! This tool could be a great place to start creating a document-based dataset…
All posts by yourdataprogrammer_o06v5u
Don’t ignore your errors!
In this quick read, the article’s author Raymond Willey notes that, in most classification tasks, the general aim is to simply maximize some measure of accuracy, whether it’s an F1 Score, Balanced Accuracy, etc. Of course, in these cases, we seek to understand the errors for the sole purpose of minimizing their frequency in the…
Remax File Generation
Created based on the following requirements (defined by ReMax): CSV Requirements Contains only properties listed from 2016 [DateListed] Contains only properties that contain the word “and” in the Description field CSV ordered by DateListed Required fields: MlsId MlsName DateListed StreetAddress Price Bedrooms Bathrooms Appliances (all sub-nodes comma joined) Rooms (all sub-nodes comma joined) Description (the…